Feeding Times and Frequency: The Best Time to Feed Your Cat

With so many delicious and nutritious options available, finding the perfect food for your cat can be challenging. Even so, choosing healthy pet food is only half the battle; your cat's feeding schedule is another puzzle to solve. You're not alone if you've ever wondered, "How often should I feed my cat?". You can feed them as little as once a day to as much as five times a day. Feeding schedules impact their digestive system, energy levels, and general pleasure, so finding the right balance is crucial.

Routine is vital to cats, as it is to many other creatures. They'll figure out when they need to be fed and enthusiastically remind you. It’s best to keep your cat on a regular feeding schedule as doing so will give them more sense of normality. Establishing a routine that works for you and your cat will also keep you from being the object of their hangry meows!

Keep in Mind Your Cat's Age

The age of a cat has a significant impact on how frequently you should feed it.

  • Kittens: Owners feed kittens more often than adult cats throughout the day as they require more food per pound of bodyweight. If they don't obtain enough nutrients and calories, their growth will be stunted, leading to problems later. For the best, healthiest growth, you should feed kittens younger than six months four or five times per day, while you should feed kittens older than six months about three times each day.

  • Adult Cats: You can adjust a kitten's feeding schedule to once or twice a day after reaching the age of one year. This is quite typical of most healthy cats and will provide a steady diet. It will help if you feed your adult cat daily at the same time or times. It is recommended that you feed your cat twice a day, once in the morning and at night. This consistency will aid in your cat's digestive system's wellness. It is also easy to spot any inconsistencies in feeding or stool with a consistent feeding regimen. Any discrepancies could indicate an underlying medical problem that you should seek medical attention for.


When deciding on a feeding regimen, it's essential to keep your cat's age in mind. To ensure that your cat gets adequate nutrients and calories, different stages of life necessitate other feeding methods. Whether you feed your cat once a day or four times a day, make sure the feeding schedule is constant from day to day to encourage a healthy digestive system.

Take Into Account Your Car's Health Issues

Your cat is affected by a variety of health conditions. Most of the time, you must tailor their food and feeding schedule to their requirements.

  • Diabetes: You should feed AA diabetic cats regularly as they receive insulin. Because you must administer some insulin with food, it's critical to plan your cat's eating schedule around the frequency and timing of insulin injections.

  • Hyperthyroidism: This condition causes a seemingly endless hunger and must be treated by a vet. You can keep your cat happy and well-fed with regular, modest meals to make sure they don’t gain weight as a result of their hunger. Smaller meals and a few snacks may help to satiate some of your furry friend’s cravings.

  • Dental issues: Cats' teeth and gums grow increasingly delicate and sensitive as they age. Wet, soft cat meals are one strategy to tackle this problem, but the regularity you feed them is crucial. It's critical to feed senior cats once or twice a day. This separates the time it takes to chew the food and allows them to stick to a routine. When it comes to feeding an elderly cat, consistency is crucial. Their digestive system is sensitive, and even the tiniest change might be uncomfortable for them.

Consider Your Own Schedule


Because you can't feed your cat while you're at work, make a plan around your day. It is simple to provide once in the morning and once at night if you have a constant workday routine. A late-night or early-morning feeding session once a day may fit your needs better if your way is a little more chaotic with less stability.

It would help if you tried to feed your cat at the same time every day, regardless of your schedule. It is critical for their mental and emotional health and their digestive system to follow a steady regimen.

Feed Your Cats On Time!

It's not rocket science to properly feed cats. You can create and follow a healthy feeding regimen for your cat to understand their preferences and demands. If you hear about the benefits of a good feeding schedule for the first time, it's something to consider if you want to make sure your pet grows up healthy.

If you know how to give your cats the proper nourishment and calories they need, check out our holistic pet store. Wags to Wiskers offers a range of healthy pet food for pets, including your cats! Contact us to make a purchase now!